Why Can't You
Just Run

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Some people lace up without thinking twice, while others feel an entire emotional rollercoaster before stepping out the door.

If you've ever felt like running is ~complicated~ but haven’t quite put your finger on why (psst, its not a lack of self-discipline)—this quiz is for you.

Meet your Inner Running Motivator, the part of you managing your running—and what to do about it to build kind consistency (even if running has felt ~complicated~ for a very long time).

This quiz will help you:

✔ Meet the part of you that’s deciding when, how, and why you run (whether you realize it or not)

✔ Understand why this part is helping you—but also making consistency harder

✔ Get 3 simple, personalized shifts to make running feel easier this week—without forcing it

No pressure. No judgment. Just real clarity on what’s actually happening under the surface (so you can stop beating yourself up and start running in a way that actually feels good).

Meet Your Inner Running Motivator:
Why you struggle with consistency
(and what to do about it) 

why can't i just run?